In franchise’s first VR game, you take on the role of six neighborhood heroes as they “confront their fears to free their friend, who is held captive in a bizarre basement prison,” the studios say. The neighbor’s AI learns from your every move, so when you find a nice window to habitually climb through, you’ll probably find a bear trap there next go-around. Original Article (November 7th, 2022): If you haven’t played before, Hello Neighbor is a stealth horror game all about sneaking into your neighbor’s house to figure out what horrible secrets he’s hiding in the basement. The original article announcing Hello Neighbor VR follows below: In the meantime, the studios have released a new gameplay trailer. Pre-orders are already available on Quest. Update (May 12th, 2023): tinyBuild and Steel Wool revealed Hello Neighbor VR is coming on May 25th to all major VR headsets. TinyBuild Games and Steel Wool Studios announced their upcoming VR take on viral indie hit Hello Neighbor is landing on PSVR 2, Quest 2, and SteamVR headsets later this month.